Model Explanations with Anchor Text

Launch an movie sentiment prediction model and get explanations on text data.

In this demo we will:

  • Launch a movie sentiment model which takes text input
  • Send a request to get a sentiment predicton
  • Create an explainer for the model
  • Send the same request and then get an explanation for it

Create Model

Use the model url:



Get Predictions

Run a single prediction using the JSON below.

  "instances": [
   "a visually exquisite but narratively opaque and emotionally vapid experience of style and mystification"


Add an Anchor Text Explainer

Create an Anchor Text explainer using the default settings.


Get Explanation for one Request

Resend a single request using the JSON below and then explain it:

  "instances": [
   "a visually exquisite but narratively opaque and emotionally vapid experience of style and mystification"


Last modified September 6, 2020: Update titles (ba35537)